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> Coleccionistas Tarot Castellano > Tarot coleccion Corto Maltese - Hugo Pratt & Bepi Vigna - 2007 (SCA)

Tarot coleccion Corto Maltese - Hugo Pratt & Bepi Vigna - 2007 (SCA)
Tarot coleccion Corto Maltese - Hugo Pratt & Bepi Vigna - 2007 (SCA)
Referencia: 9788883956768

Tarot ilustrado con dibujos en acuarela por Hugo Pratt.

Este personaje de comic Corto Maltes es un capitan aventurero que viaja desde 1918 por los mares desde Siberia a Italia llegando hasta el continente perdido de Mu. En esta baraja se recrean escenas, lugares y personas que conoce. 

Multi-idioma Español, Ingles, Aleman, Frances, Italiano

Peso: 250 grm. Medidas 76 x 114 mm


Corto Maltes is an adventurer and a sailor in comic books by Italian artist Hugo Pratt. The deck illustrates scenes, places and people that he meets.

Language English, French, German, Italian, Spanish

Weight: 250 g Dimensions: 76 x 114 mm

Weight: 8 Oz Width 2.8 In. Length 4.9 In.


Corto Maltese is Hugo Pratt``s most popular comic book creation--a sea captain whose colorful adventures take him from 1918 Siberia to Fascist Italy to the lost continent of Mu. It``s a fantastic voyage to exotic Corto Maltese is Hugo Pratt`s most popular comic book creation-a sea captain whose colorful adventures take him from 1918 Siberia to Fascist Italy to the lost continent of Mu. It`s a fantastic voyage to exotic places and personalities-all brilliantly captured in Pratt`s signature style.

Publisher Review: Corto Maltese was a character created by Hugo Pratt for a successful series of comic book stories that combined fantasy with real events taking place worldwide during the period running from about 1900 through the 1920s. You could picture him as the Han Solo or his day. Instead of piloting a space ship he captained a sailing vessel. He seems to be neutral and after his own interests, but always ends up supporting underdogs and what is ethically correct. Although surrounded by historical people and events, he wants to control his own life. When he realizes he doesn`t have a fate line on his palm, he uses a straight razor to cut his own, indicating that his fate is his his to make. Pratt used watercolor to create his famous character, resulting in a dreamy, impressionistic feeling to his drawings, even when they used settings and backgrounds from real life. There are a few basic concepts that drive the people who design Tarot decks. Some people simply re-do the Rider-Waite-Smith in their own particular style. Some look at the meanings of the cards (often based on the RWS model) and create their own symbolic representation of the meanings. Some look at the names of the cards and try to come up with images based on the names. Some, attracted to the art of others, attempt to mix pieces from those artists that are not designed for the Tarot, but are taken from other pieces, and try to make them fit the Tarot model. Sometimes, this works exceptionally well. Sometimes it looks like a questionable pastiche


Le Tarot de Corto Maltes
Dans les sociétés secrètes, la symbolique des objets et des gestes est un élément de toute première importance. En effet, le cérémonial des rites est un moment fondamental du parcours initiatique car il représente le premier pas pour mêler la vie matérielle à la connaissance spirituelle. Quand Corto se rend compte que la ligne de la chance n`est pas représentée dans sa main, il n`hésite pas à se la tracer lui-même à l`aide d`un rasoir. Ce geste au fond, n`est qu`une parabole affirmant que parmi les voies que lui ouvre le destin, l`homme reste toujours le seul auteur de son avenir. C`est des personnages et du monde aventureux créé par Hugo Pratt que s`inspire le Tarot de Corto Maltese, une série d`images fascinantes qui suggèrent de nouvelles perspectives interprétatives aux symboles traditionnels des Arcanes majeurs et mineurs. Une méthode divinatoire spécifique " La foire des Gentilshommes de Fortune " est expliquée dans le livret. 78 lames au format 6,5 x 12 cm.

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